Why Water is so Important

Water is the essential component of all life It comprises of 72% of
the human body, 90% of blood 

Healthy water carries nutrients, minerals, dissolved salts and trace elements the building blocks of growth, and healing energies; it disposes of waste and is constantly cooling, cleansing and purifying itself. Our bodies depend on water (as blood) as a catalyst, a transport system, to maintain our correct body temperature, to supply nutrients and electrical impulses. Dehydration is a common source of illness we need to drink 1 - 2 litres of good water every day, more especially as we grow older. Tea, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate the body; therefore, if we take them we need to drink more good water to compensate.

 By the time you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated! That’s right, most of us reach for a glass of water once our body registers that we are thirsty, but in reality, that is our body’s last measure or resort to make sure we hydrate and keep our bodies working efficiently. Chronic dehydration can cause sickness and premature aging and when we are dehydrated, the body begins to pull water from it’s organs and tissues, which is a desperate measure and should be avoided. So before you start feeling like the corners of your mouth are dry as all get, reach for some liquid H2o

How does drinking water benefit Bowen Therapy?
Since Bowen Therapy promotes changes in tissue hydration it is imperative that clients drink sufficient water in order to meet changing body demands. Avoiding dehydration through improved foods and lifestyle is also important.
Through a series of cross fibre moves, your therapist is releasing ‘gluing’ in the fascia. This allows the tissue to become pliable through hydration. As the fascia improves in hydration your body is more able to supply nutrients to the cells and remove waste. Less restriction on muscles, tendons and ligaments and the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems will function more effectively.

Bowen restores balance to the internal environment which assists the body to normal function and activity.

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