What is Bowen / Emmett

Bowen / Emmett Therapies are Australian bodywork techniques which are both gentle and yet profound.  They do not require oil and can be performed through clothing.
·        During a session your therapist will carry out a series of cross fibre moves over specified fascial planes and light pressure at particular points in sequences that enable gentle physical release of muscular memory of an injury and in most cases, pain relief is felt immediately.
·        This will be interrupted by rest periods, which are important to the process.
·        Therapists will ask the client to perform a simple body action to activate a muscle group.
·        These cues help the individual’s body to realize a change has been made and also help to lock in the body-work for lasting results.

·        If you feel the urge to sleep do so, because you will get more out of your treatment.

Experience the change in your body
Having completed a session you will feel a change in your body, but allow at least 2 - 3 days for the body to completely process the treatment.  It is in your interest that you repeat the process within the next seven days for best results.

How does Bowen/Emmett Work?
Through a series of cross fibre moves, your therapist is releasing ‘gluing’ in the fascia. This allows the tissue to become pliable through hydration. As the fascia improves in hydration your body is more able to supply nutrients to the cells and remove waste. Less restriction on muscles, tendons and ligaments and the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems will function more effectively.

Bowen / Emmett restore balance to the internal environment which assists the body to normal function and activity.


Bowen / Emmett allows you

·  Perform at your Peak and Prevent Injury
·  Increases Lung Capacity and Body Flexibility
·  Improves Balance & Stability
·  Aids Forearm and grip Strength
·  Assists Back & Hip Discomfort
·  Improves Knee & Ankle Restrictions
·  Improves Body's Drainage of Toxins (Lymphatic Drainage)
·  Improves Immune System

The combination of Bowen / Emmett Therapies together creates outstanding results.

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